Solving Problems with Moon in Gemini
Hey You little Multitasker,
Our Moon has traveled into the cerebral sign of the Twins once again. From March 21st to the 23rd it's effects will be part of your life. You may likely feel the desire to attack multiple tasks that have been collecting dust. You could even find that you have the mental energy to go along with it. - Cha- ching...Bonus!

You might feel like getting a lot done over the next couple of days., so I say take advantage of the active energy and problem solve the hell outta your problems. Gemini likes problem solving - just sain’. The influence of the Twins ruling planet Mercury will be rather interesting for all of us as mercury heads towards retrograde. Tongue tied anyone?
As you know the Moon rules our emotions and influences our feelings toward all things domestic. Mercury rules all things intellectual, centering and activating its energy in the way we communicate. So if you're feeling like talking about domestic matters this is why… just talk slowly.
Gemini loves quick answers and rapid fire activity. Sometimes people may see this energy as scattered… and sometimes it can be. But, truthfully it could better be described as efficient when that energy is operating from its highest expression.
Also, as you may recall, in an earlier post I mentioned that Mercury will go retrograde March 23rd while the Moon is still in Mercuries home sign of Gemini. Therefore, my dear I will suggest that you double … or even triple check that everything you read, say and hear are being received exactly as you think. In other words slow your roll homie.
My love, I'm sure you have noticed by now that things are starting to go a little pear shaped with your electronics and as I've been known to say- it may feel like everything with a battery is collectively scaling a mutiny.
Well that's because it is. So take heart… this too shall pass. In like three weeks. So take a deep breath, slow your mind and ride the wave of this bassakwards energy. It will all work out- pinky promise.
That's all for the moment Moonlings. Until next time.