4 Books every beginner crystal collector NEEDS today
Some of them are shiny, some of them are glossy.
Sometimes they are pointy and sometimes they are round.
It doesn't matter what they look like you want em. You need em, you gotta have them.

Crystals and Gemstones.
Ok so you want to start using crystals, you've heard all about how they can help you
with anxiety, stress, and even grounding. You've probably heard about how the right

stone can help you attract money or love and you may have even been told a story or two about how someone used a stone to help them speak in front of an entire stadium and they didn't throw up or pass out or anything. Seems pretty amazing doesn’t it.
So you go to your nearest metaphysical or spiritual shop to find the one stone that’s gonna help you iron out all the wrinkles in your life. So you grab your cash and head out the door feeling all Indiana Jones. Then you get to your destination only to wind up feeling a lot more like Curios George.
So what do you do?
You ask the person working in the store what this stone does or that crystal is for only to feel like you just sort of fell into a rabbit hole that leads to a world full of curiosity and questions. You obviously can’t spend the next two days asking questions at your favorite crystal shop no matter how friendly the staff is. And let’s be honest, the internet is full of everything from differing opinions to out right contradictions.
Alysa, what's a new born crystal addict to do?
Get some books of course!
That’s nice Alysa but what books should I get?
Well my friend, you are in luck! I have prepared a short list of books that every beginner should have on their shelves. Each book brings something unique and valuable to your crystal and gemstone education. Starting with the basics and delivering you to some more advanced concepts, I recommend each of these books as they have been helpful to me and I’m pretty sure after spending some time with these books your next trip to buy crystals will be waaaaaaay more fun.
1. The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall

This is the first crystal book I ever bought! It’s a long drawn out story about me trying to find something to help me deal with my anxiety, going to a metaphysical shop and finding a beautiful woman who prescribe an amethyst. I of course bought the amethyst with no clue as to what to do with it. Need some guidance I returned to the same store a few weeks later and the Crystal Bible was recommended to me. I bought it and learned about amethyst and this book is literally a bedside favorite. It is what I would call the number 1 book for people who want to begin and or deepen their work with crystals. The book has gorgeous photos of the crystals and gemstones in their variations. It’s alphabetized ( this appeals to my Virgo nature.) for easy reference and the best thing is you can look up you whatever you are wanting help with be it enhancing or decreasing things by the thing you need to fix. So for example if you want a stone to help you with self confidence.. You look up self confidence in the rear index and bah-da-book it gives you a page with the suggested stone. Buy this book. You will be satisfied.
2. The Crystal Handbook by by Cassandra Eason
I feel in love with this book because it categorizes gemstones and crystals by color! YES

So if you don’t know the stones name you can just go by the color of the stone and look it up in this book. With a generous offering of several common and rare stones you will love how easy it is to find what you;re looking for in this book. Also, when you find your stone, this book offers you suggestions on how to use the stone similarly to the Crystal Bible. This is a fantastic book to fill in the gaps of your knowledge
3. Healing Crystals and Gemstones by Dr. Flora Peschek- Bohmer & Gisela Schreibe
This hardcover book was a good find. While it doesn’t boast the larger numbers of stones to choose from it does give you some very helpful information as to how to use stones specifically for healing purposes. With beautiful photos you will be able to easily recognize the stones in your collection and it is also very helpful for energy workers.
4.101 Power Crystals by Judy Hall
Yet another AWESOME book by Judy Hall. If you can’t tell I’m a fan. I love this book because it is so concise and direct in it’s suggested uses for the must have crystals in your collection. The book has probably the best photos of the stones out of all the other books. They are huge and glossy and just beautiful to look at. The stones you see in the book are easily attainable and with the photos are easy to identify in store when looking to purchase. I like the larger pictures because you really get a FEEL for the energy in the stones.

Bonus - Cause I’m an Astrologer and have no self control.
Crystal Zodiac by Judy Hall
This fun little book is great whether you are an astrologer or not. I think it’s safe to say that everyone wants to know what the best crystals are for their sun signs and my friend this book kills it! Each sign of the zodiac is represented and there is a robust selection of crystals suited to each sign. This one is really a good gift for the astrologer in your life or even someone who just loves astrology and it's a great reference book for anyone who wants a gift guide for every crystal collecting friend on their list.
So there ya go. These are my top picks for anyone just getting started with crystals. I hope this is helpful for you and that your crystal collection is abundant and leaves your shelves over flowing with sparkly energetic goodness.
Thanks for reading!