Moon in Cancer
Hey Moonchild,
The Moon is in Cancer now which feels soo good. From April 20th to the 22nd we will enjoy the heaing vibes of this Moon.

Cancer is sensitive and shy, approaching everything with a bit of caution. Yet, like a crab, when Cancer grabs hold of something... a thought, idea, or feeling, it holds on tight. While the Moon is in Cancer the is a good time to reflect on family. Especially parenting and Mother. Whether you are a Mother or are thinking of your Mom now is the time to contemplate what you can let go of. What you can heal within yourself... how you can change and what you cannot alter.
In the coming days you will have opportunities to examine and experience many things to assist you in your ascension toward a higher expression of yourself.
Starting With Moon Sextile Uranus on the 20th Brings you and me some unexpected gifts. You might find yourself In stimulating conversations with interesting people and maybe some surprising and exciting events. Which is perfectly timed my love because you will feel more open to change and a sense of spontaneity will encourage you to make those changes.
Also, this aspect makes it an ideal time to shake the dust off your life and try something new. Maybe experiment all mad scientist like with a new recipie or parenting technique.
Consider that you may also experience stronger than normal intuition and you can use it to your advantage when you need to make a fast decision. This is one of the times when allowing your instincts to lead the way will benefit you more than trying to make logic work. Follow your gut darlin', follow your gut. Do yourself the favor of looking for original and inventive ways to solve problems.
On the 21st the Moon Opposition Mars can make you and everyone else all grumpy pants. Normally the little stupid things that happen would roll off your back, no problem.... But not now. Let me be the first to warn you that people will get on your last good nerve. There will be a tendency for anger to arrive and boil over turning irritation into fight bait... don't take the bait. Trust me even though giving some one a good throat punch sounds satisfying - probably not the best method to make your point. Save yourself from having to make bail by taking some time alone. Get away.... not leaving the country get away... just take a walk, or lock yourself in the bathroom.
Basically you could feel like running away to join the circus... which I can understand. After all if your going to be surrounded by clowns you should be getting paid.

However, don't pack your suitcase just yet... even though you feel like no one will listen unless you burn down the house, just realize you actually love these goblins you call family... or spouse or lover. And this too shall pass... like a kidney stone... probably.
Thankfully the Moon will Sextile Venus on the 22nd... yeah that sounds waaaaay dirtier than it is. None the less, this sweet little aspect has a tender and loving influence which is going to be welcome after any difficulties you may have experienced.
I would suggest that this is a great time to have some friends over, be social and just have some fun. Maybe go out for a movie or some dinner at a place where you can sit down and be pampered. You might be surprised to discover that things, people and places... all the nouns... seem more attractive, more enticing than usual. Enjoy your senses, let yourself smell the roses, taste the chocolate... or vanilla. Allow all manner of beauty and sensuality intoxicate you for a few moments. After all you deserve it.
If you have a lover.... may I suggest that you take some extra time and effort to nourish their heart with your Venus inspired love.
That's all for now my Moonling.
Thank you for taking time out to read.
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