Tying Up Loose Ends With The Moon in Gemini
Hey Soul Searcher,
The Moon is in Gemini now and things are going to be shifting rapidly. Where only a few days ago when the Moon was in Taurus and the energy was probably a bit stabilizing for you. At least I hope.

With the Moon now in Gemini from April 18th to the 20th you may find that your desire for a change is gonna increase. You might want to express yourself because boredom has taken its toll. Spring fever much?
Additionally, there is one other business going on that I thought you might like to know about.
Starting With the Moon sextile Mercury on the 18th good for socializing because it puts you in the mood for chatting with people. It doesn't take too much effort to say whats on your mind because your thoughts and ffeelings are aligned making it so much easier to relate to others.
Feel free to just talk about nothing... it's not really a time for formal conversations my dear. You will enjoy yourself ever so much more if you just keep it light.
However, if family matters are on your mind this is deffenetly a good time to talk it out becuase you will be feeling more sensitive and compassionate than usual which is nice.
If you find that people are coming to you with their problems, just be that soft place to land.; you know the shoulder to cry on when things get rough.
Now that Mercury retrograde is over, it is also a great time to get back to work on some of your more mental tasks. Like studying for an exam, paying a bill, revisiting contracts and negotiations.
Moon semisextile Jupiter on the 19th you may find that like most people, you have a growing interest in big picture issues like philosophy, politics, spirituality and religion. Its a good time to lay plans for your future my live. Just try not to get suvked into the tiny details. Jupiter is all about expanding your horizons, so look at things from birdseyeviewand worry about the minutia later.
On the 20th there is a Moon Quincux Saturn you will be in the care of the Task Master. Things will take on bit more of a serious tone. Themes of structure, restraint and caution will surround your feelings concerning home and family. If you have loose ends in your past, or feelings that draw you backwards into your past be patient. Learn, employ self discipline and most of all proceed in healing any fears that may surface pertaining to loss and it old age. Yes my love, you cn do this. It's not easy, I know - but he persistent and Saturn will help you close the door on old sounds.

A word to the wise.... depression could cone knocking at your door. If it does, please, please focus on the temporal nature of experience. In other words, nothing lasts forever. Just allow yourself time to process... do this consciously and you will find the journey to healing will be shorter.
Thats all for now my dear Moonling.
Until next time.
Love Alysa
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