Lost in the shuffle 5 Pro Tarot tips for beginners
Ok, you wanna read Tarot but you're not sure where to start.
So you open your new deck of possibilities (other people call the cards but you know
they are more than that.) and you are instantly overtaken by a wave of anxiety as you see 78 cards sit staring back at you - making you painfully aware of just how in over your head you really are.

Trying not to give up you grab the little book that came with the deck...maybe and thumb trough it trying to figure out how you're gonna unlock the mystical secrets found within these cards.
.... Or not
If you know these feelings then you are on the right track! Oh yes you are! The interesting thing about Tarot is that its not really for everybody. What I'm saying is that though everyone is capable of learning not everyone has the intestinal fortitude to stick it out. It's a super long learning curve, but it's also immeasurably rewarding.
Assuming that you are willing to take the time out to learn the Tarot, you will quickly understand that learning Tarot is much like learning a new language. It is full of symbols, nuance and energy. Tarot is a living and vital tool, and in my opinion it is intended to help people by creating an avenue for higher guidance to travel on,
So my dear, as you learn the esoteric symbols and the energies that are interwoven into each card I would like to extend you a helping hand. Much like a kitten with a ball of yarn you may feel as though you are batting around your own thoughts and perceptions trying to unwind the language of Tarot. So, I wanted to help you unravel that ball of yarn, hopefully making your experience a little easier. Here are your 5 Pro tips... ok more like 7, but whatev's
You will get frustrated once or twice along the way. You may even feel like you're just "not getting it" I'm sure if you've already hit this wall you might be rolling your eyes going...uh yeah, no more patients left Alysa, now what? Here's what you need to do. Take a freaking break. Yup that's right don't look at your cards for a few days. Sometimes you can get information overload when learning something new and if you are sensitive to energy... hahaha, guess what Tarot is bubbling over with energy. So take a break and ruminate. That rhymed - I feel clever! Let your brain have a break and when you come back to your study, you may be surprised at how much you've actually learned.
I cannot stress enough how important it is to learn the symbolism in Tarot. Every little

detail in the cards! I always say there is no such thing as wasted space in a Tarot card. Everything has meaning. From the Yod symbols in the Ace of swords to the angles of the mountains in The Fool, to the Color of The Magician's sash. It all has meaning. And while reading intuitively is powerful, reading with an understanding of the esoteric symbols and the archetypal energies portrayed in the cards will add a depth and dimension to your readings that you cannot have any other way.
This is the hardest thing to do when your just getting started. All newbies want to get everything JUST RIGHT when reading. So the tendency is to hesitate when you are guided to say something or express an impression you are getting. Using your intuition or psychic faculties is a process. That is to say, the more you work with your intuition the clearer and more reliable it will become. You will learn how to trust the feelings you get if you are willing to risk being wrong sometimes.
I recommend starting with the R/W simply because there are a TON of resources available. The Rider deck ( as it's often refereed to) was published first The cards were originally published in 1910 by the publisher William Rider & Son of London. I have found that the wide variety of resources that use this deck are helpful in terms of learning the meanings of each key. Also, because the art is very simple and straight forward it is easier to understand the esoteric and mundane meanings of the cards which is essential for fluency when reading Tarot.
You can never really practice enough with Tarot. No- seriously you can't. Even after over 20 years of reading Tarot, illustrating a best selling deck and collecting cards I still find something new when reading Tarot. Sometimes it's just a matter of a new level of understanding a card. Sometimes it's a new spread. Sometimes it's a new relationship within the cards. No matter what, you never really stop learning from the Tarot as long as you are willing to continue to practice.
Keeping a journal is a great way to retain what you learn about each of the 78 cards in
the Tarot pantheon. In your journal you can make quick and easy references in your own

word for the interpretations of the cards. You can also deepen you knowledge by writing down your personal experiences working with the energies while reading cards for your self or others. I have several journals dedicated to my Tarot studies, and over the years I can see just how much I have grown in my practice. I'm still adding to my journals even now.
YES! It never hurts to get instruction. Learning from an experienced teacher is a powerful way to accelerate your reading skills. A good teacher will not only instruct you in the meanings of cards, spreads and so forth - they will also teach you how to work with other people ethically. They will also teach you how to protect yourself from absorbing unwanted energies as well as how to decode your own intuitive senses. I have been fortunate enough to have really knowledgeable and experienced mentors that taught me waaaaaaay more than I could have ever learned on my own.
I hope your journey with Tarot is fulfilling and that you gain as much fulfillment as I have from working with this wondrous tool of self discovery.
That's all for now.
Love Alysa