What is done in the dark, becomes visible in the light. New Moon Solar Eclipse
New Moon Solar Eclipse in the archer's sign Sagittarius! Now the energies from the luminaries bring us into a space where you may...

How Saturn in Aquarius May Save Our metaphorical Steroid & Antibiotic Free Turkey Bacon.
So today March 23rd 2020 marks Saturn's entry into the sign of Aquarius! For the first time in 26 years, Saturn, the planetary Lord of...

Buckle up baby 2020 is gonna be a ride!
Happy New Year!!! Holy smokes things are gonna kick into high gear in 2020. We have 6… oh yeah SIX eclipses this year, retrogrades form...

The Fine Print
I think a lot… I mean ALOT. I contemplate, muse and ponder everything all the time. Whether it is something someone said, something I...

I don't wear masks.
Hey Mystics, I just realized something interesting. I'm always looking forward. Looking for the next hill to climb or mountain to...

When the universe is talking to you… LISTEN
In my work, I am fortunate enough to see people through various stages of their life’s journey. Some are looking for affirmation that...

October 13th Hunters Moon in Aries
I LOVE the smell of fall air. It's like the sweetest and most subtle incense drifting on the air. There is something truly grounding...

Seven things your birth chart will tell you
Why would you get your birth chart done by an astrologer when you can just read your horoscope for free? I LOVE this question! You know...

The New Moon in Libra Sept. 28th
I don't know about you but for me there is something inviting about the calmness of a quiet night. You know, the ind where the loudest...

When the WALL comes tumbling down
Hey Mystic, Not sure if you have noticed but the world seems to be spiraling... but is it spiraling in or out of control? That is the...