How To Protect Yourself Against Energy Vampires
Energy stealers are everywhere! They are your family members, your friends and they are your co-workers and YOU may even be one yourself....

What do you love?
Dec 19th 2021 - Jan 2022 Venus Retrograde in Capricorn So you may have been feeling a little something rustling in the background of...

Things you may not know about Past Life Regression
5 things everyone needs to know about past life regression You may have heard about Past Life Regression… or maybe you haven’t Either...

An ever-expanding dimension.
Hey Mystics There is something to be said about following your own internal compass. There will be circumstances, and events, and even...

The Healing Dance
Healing- It is best characterized as a dance. Sort of a delicate tango. Whether the injuries are to your body or your heart the process...

Acing Tarot - Easier than you think
Learn to read the aces in tarot!

WTH is Mercury doing anyway???
I always find it interesting how people react to Mercury when it's in retrograde. Mercury is the planet that rules communications, travel...

Advice for the May 26th TOTAL Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius
Once again it is eclipse time and the energy of the year is about to shift. But, that shift doesn't take place without a little bit of...

Uranus Stations Direct In Taurus Jan 14, 2021
Soooooo.... here we are 2 whole weeks into 2021. I don't know about you, but I have felt hopeful one second and then completely shocked...

January Capricorn New Moon
There is something that just seems so fitting about the new moon being in the sign of Capricorn. I don't know what it is, but when the...