Acing Tarot - Easier than you think
Learn to read the aces in tarot!

What is done in the dark, becomes visible in the light. New Moon Solar Eclipse
New Moon Solar Eclipse in the archer's sign Sagittarius! Now the energies from the luminaries bring us into a space where you may...

Staying balanced
Hey Mystic, I’ve been sitting here in my little house thinking about the nature of the universe, reality, conscious thought and how...

Warning - rant ahead!
Change!… big changes ahead, new beginnings, growth! I don’t know about you but that seems to be the statement that comes with every new...

3 reasons being hopeless ain't so bad
Hope is a funny thing. Admittedly I’m disinclined toward it. You might be scratching your head right now wondering if you should continue...

From Darkness Into the Light
The last little while things seem to have gotten very difficult for many of us. We look around and wonder why we seem to be stuck in this...

Moon phase meanings and what you need to know about your birth Moon
Your Moon sign is only part of the story! When you were born the Sun inhabited a sign and a house in the wheel of the zodiac, which...

Tarot on the go. Mobile apps for mobile Mystics.
As much as I prefer to give readings in person, sometimes you just don't have the time or even the access to a good reader. Let's face it...

Saturn Retrograde What You Need to Know to Prepare
OK Kids, In case Mercury Retrograde wasn't enough for you, now we are in Saturn Retrograde. That gives us a both Jupiter and Saturn in...

3 Tarot Decks for Beginners
I don't know If I ever mentioned to you how much I love tarot. If I didn't let me go ahead and describe my feelings about Tarot to you....